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As of 2023, the Indian Postal department has above 1.54 post offices throughout India, of which 85 percent were in rural, Village areas and around 15 percent in urban areas. Indian Postal department has 25,000 departmental Post Offices and other Branch Post Offices in varrious states. Indian goverment Postal department / postal service is also involved in other services like small-savings banking and financial services schemes.

Need of Pin code in Postal service department

The postal service is comes under essential service, linked with Department of Posts, which is part of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Government of India. Indian Postal zones has been divided into 22 postal circles, each circle headed by a chief postmaster general.
Each circle is divided into regions, headed by a postmaster general and comprising field units known as divisions. These divisions are further divided into subdivisions. Other functional units (such as circle stamp depots, postal store depots and mail motor service) may exist in the circles and regions.

In addition to the 22 circles, there is a base circle to provide postal services to the Armed Forces of India. The base circle is headed by a Director General, Army Postal Service (with a rank of major general).

Post office info / Pin code data for following states

Find Andhra Pradesh Postal Pin code list , Assam, Bihar Postal Pin code list, Chattisgarh, Delhi Postal Pin code list, Gujarat Postal Pin code list, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammukashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, North Eastern, Odisha Postal Pin code list, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu Postal Pin code list, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal Postal Pin code list.

Expansion and Updates: Over time, as new areas and localities are developed, the PIN code system is expanded and updated to accommodate these changes. New PIN codes are introduced to maintain the effectiveness and accuracy of mail delivery.

The PIN code system has been instrumental in streamlining the postal operations in India, enabling efficient mail sorting, and ensuring prompt delivery to the correct destinations. It has become an essential part of the addressing system in the country, facilitating communication and logistics across different regions.

India PIN Code System

The PIN code (Postal Index Number) system in India, introduced by India Post, is a six-digit code used for sorting and delivering mail. Here's the structure of a typical PIN code:

For example, the PIN code for a central location in New Delhi is 110001, where:

If you need a specific PIN code for a particular location, please provide the name of the location or more details.